Ferienhaus Johanna - Hippach / Zillertal
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Unsere angebote
  • Sommerurlaub 2020
    15. Juni bis 31. Oktober 2020
    Preis: € 25 pro Pers/Nacht
    Anfrage / Buchen
  • Skiurlaub 2021
    01. November 2020 bis 30. April 2021
    Preis: € 35 pro Pers/Nacht
    Anfrage / Buchen
Jul 27, 2024 - Sat
Mayrhofen, Österreich
scattered clouds
30°C scattered clouds
Wind 1 m/s, N
Humidity 65%
Pressure 763.57 mmHg

Mountain climbing

Climbing and mountaineering are amongst the oldest sporting activities in Zillertal

It”s no wonder that Zillertal and the metropolis of Mayrhofen in particular, with its mountaineering village of
Ginzling and countless three thousand metre peaks, earned its reputation as a mountaineering destination early on.

Via Ferrata – is the latest trend in mountain sport which allows even hikers – with the appropriate
equipment and dependant on difficulty, of course – to get a taste of the vertical extremes.
These so-called „Via Ferratas“ are secured to the rocks with steel cables and iron pins.

The degree of difficulty ranges from A (easy) to E (extremely difficult) and can be experienced on the four Via
Ferratas in the Mayrhofen Hippach holiday resort. We hope you enjoy this unique experience!

Knorren Via Ferrata on Mount Penken
Target group: Beginners and advanced
Grade of difficulty: B/C (medium)
Duration: 45 minutes
50m Altitude difference: 50 m
Cable length: 180 m

Huterlaner Via Ferrata
Target group: Beginners and advanced
Grade of difficulty: C
Duration: 1 hour
Altitude difference: 210m
Cable length: 560m

Pfeilspitzwand Via Ferrata
Target group: Advanced
Grade of difficulty: B – D minus
Duration: 2 hours
Atiltude difference: 245m
Cable length: 440m

Zimmereben Via Ferrata
Target group: Advanced and professionals
Difficulty: C / D+
Duration: 1.5 hours
Altitude difference: 239 m
Cable length: 450 m

National Park Via Ferrata Nasenwand
Target group: Advanced and professionals
Difficulty: C / E
Duration: 1,5 hours
Altitude difference: 400m
Cable length: 500m

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